Military training | Nacionālie bruņotie spēki

Military Exercises

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Resistance Operating Concept

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Military medics attend training course in Sweden

For three weeks, our soldiers and NCOs trained at the Swedish Armed Forces Jaeger (Ranger) Medical School (Life Regiment Hussars K3) in Karlsborg, Sweden. This course was specially prepared for the training of Latvian Armed Forces medical personnel and is the first course to be taught by a NATO Member State at the Ranger Medical School. The highly qualified Swedish instructors, who train the Special Task Forces on a daily basis, made an invaluable contribution to the development of medical support for the Latvian Armed Forces during these three weeks. The aim of the training course is to train in team tasks, providing ROLE-1 FRT (forward resuscitation team) and ROLE-2 FST (forward surgical team) level professional medical assistance under any circumstances. This training is very suitable for the Latvian context to enable highly mobile medical units to perform medical support tasks within their units.

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